I went digging for new and interesting bands for the first time in ages yesterday, thanks to a nudge in the right direction courtesy of SP. Go look at her blog here, it contains all sorts of musical wonderfulness
The worst thing about my increasingly busy lifestyle is I have less and less time to do the things which are most fulfilling, especially seeking out up and coming talent from around the world. All my favourite little secrets have become semi-popular or broken up, and I'm in this situation where I'm terribly bored by my current music collection, but don't have the time, patience, money or bandwidth to seek out anything new.
Fear not, because a new era is on the horizon. I'm going back to study again (again)! To some it might appear that I'm glutton for punishment, but my biggest time of musical discovery was during my years at Uni and TAFE. When you're at Uni, not only are you interacting with people from all over the place who naturally are switched on to things you've never heard of, you've generally got a lot more time to spend kicking back and actually listening and discovering things for yourself. Heck, I'm doing Journalism, so it's essential that I immerse myself in the world I want to write about.
I also need to start building up a portfolio, getting printed and published in as many places as possible during my years of study so that when I hit the job market again (ideally when the whole GFC/recession/economic Armageddon is over) I've got buckets of experience to show. SP is really helping me out with this one, giving me a page to write in her soon to be released Punk/Hardcore magazine, all about new bands that most people won't have heard of. I've also got a few interviews to write up including Between the Buried and Me, Evergreen Terrace, and a Day to remember.
To summarise, I'M REALLY EXCITED!
This was actually supposed to be a blog about the new bands I've found but I've kind of gone of track, so that's up next.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009